Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Support the Troops...

...or if you're a Republican, only support the troops who agree with you, right? If not, then how about giving these patriots some assistance:

Nearly four years after the beginning of the War on Terror, the U.S. continues to struggle with the issue of torture. With the exception of the demotion of a Brigadier General, not a single investigation has had the scope to look beyond low ranking enlisted soldiers and junior officers.

Senate Republicans, led by Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, have proposed legislation which would restrict the United States from the abuse of prisoners. This legislation, known as the “McCain Amendment,” currently faces a veto threat from the White House.

This week a group of nearly 4,000 military veterans and family members published an open letter calling for the creation of an Independent Commission to investigate the torture scandal.

Follow the link above for contact information as well as the sign-up for their email newsletter. The rules in the Geneva Conventions exist for a reason: they protect our soldiers when they are in harm's way.

They must be reaffirmed, not blurred, as the Bush Regime has done over the past five years.

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