I took the plunge because of the Center for Constitutional Rights' campaign to shut down Guantanamo Bay. Susanhu was spearheading a cross-blog effort to publicize our opposition to the torture policies of the Bush misAdministration. I had already done a lot of research on that horrific issue and I had to be a part of the coalition to help end the suffering of tortured victims.
Unfortunately Guantanamo Bay remains open, and the torture apologists are still in control of the U.S. Government. As I write from time-to-time: We have much work to do. There are too many people in the shadows of our world who are voiceless against an imperial force that spits in the face of justice and continues to move the world down a dangerous path of unending war. It is a worthy cause to uphold - Peace - and I am committed to the fight, even if the task is not completed when I celebrate future blogiversaries.
Paz, mis amigos. Paz

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