Lessee... oh! Nezua at the Unapologetic Mexican wants everyone to know that he's not feeding them anymore! Or, at least, not 10 separate things but only one thing and that should fill everyone's feeder up! Or something. So there. Also, we've lost another of the good ones, but his work will live on. And another important, and lyrical! essay.
Over at catnip's, an Iraqi - American citizen has been sentenced to death... in Iraq! After some fishy dealings by the US, too. Canada's Liberal candidates are holding a debate today... would be interesting to watch just to see the differences in the meanings of the word. Also, Sunday Food for Thought!
Duke has the most hilarious story... talk about wacky Republicans! Circus isn't even the word for it. Also, the hypocrisy of those complaining about the students who protested the racist MinuteMan thingy as the college.
[UPDATE!] Guess what Olivia did this week!? Well besides trying to sneak in Easter candy to her photo blog! As if we could not tell that these are just flower shaped Peeps. And no, it isn't the coneflower OR the autumn walk in the woods (woods look so lovely, don't they? in pictures, that is... no bugs!)... nope, it's that she's hit 10,000! Visitors, that is. Well, more than that now, but still... it's always a good time for congrats!
Katiebird has made it official... it's time to lounge around! And play games! And goof off... yippie! All while still being firmed daily! No word on the vibrating massage beds (or whatever those were). Go pick out a favorite chair!
Speaking of Olivia, everyone is in a dither getting ready for the fotofair! Including Family Man, whose relatives are once again coming to stay for a while (I think I now understand the name Family Man!). He's taking old pictures and new ones too... and also gathering all the info about the fotofair in one place, so... got camera? Join in the fun!
[UPDATE THE LAST! maybe] ILJ has another article/podcast interview (he's becoming quite good at those, isn't he?), this time with Robert N. Rosen, on FDR and the Holocaust. It looks very interesting, go read/listen!
boran is making a better road! Much more smooth - in the painting, of course! And yay, another milestone! 2000 visitors! Time for more congratulations... it's really a good thing that one never runs out of cheesecake online. And you'll be surprised at who's um... lost their status on the island this week!
Arcturus has put some odds and ends together and has come up with quite a whole. Also, a young girls gets a civics lesson that we should all take heed to! And, torture begins as home.
[UPDATE! UPDATE!] I somehow forgot the Original James and the New one too! Who is really the same James, just with a new site! Sigh, age. Anyway, Original James showcases a reporter in Iraq that let's the fighting keyboarders have it! And the Rachel Corrie play opens in NYC, finally! At the music site, he's talking about Dharma whispers and Mtume: Kawaida, which I am not sure what that is but the fun thing is, James doesn't just talk about this music, but shows you where you can download it!
All done! (I think... it's been a long week so let me know if I've missed anyone.)
Oh WAIT! I do have something else... beyond petitions... beyond "say hi" threads... one just sometimes has to break out the BIG guns (nerf, natch)... and there comes a time when nothing else will do, but a .....

Time for all honorary ancestors to say hi! Even if there is just one of you.
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