Remember that the original holiday was meant as a celebration of unity and community. The Native Americans that met long ago with the immigrants in New England were very connected to the earth and understood the importance of fellowship. Let that spirit of Peace embrace you not only on the actual day, but during the preparation as well. Far too many people stress out with the cooking and cleaning - let those moments also be celebrations with loved ones.
Things I'm thankful for:
- the examples of Peace that have been given to us by figures such as Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Cindy Sheehan.
- my family - my roots - for all that I've been taught directly and indirectly
- my friends - in real life and on the web - for the dialogue, friendship and the occasional debate ;-)
- the voters - for taking the first baby steps in restoring the balance of power to this country. We have much work to do still.
- the Food Network - for the awesome recipes that I used this year to make two turkeys for a community meal aimed at the homeless and those without family to celebrate. The chocolate pecan pies are for my nana's casa so hopefully props will be deserving for those too. Heh
Oh, and how could I resist posting this:

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